Treatment of migraines with BOTOX
Botox injections are known to reduce the frequency of migraines, but studies of their effectiveness have had mixed results.
Botox (onabotulinumtoxin A) can be a very effective treatment for people with chronic migraine. As with any treatment, this does not work for everyone. One of the differences between Botox and preventive treatments for oral migraine is that its effectiveness and safety can be affected by the expertise of the person administering the Botox treatment and their proper observation of injection sites and muscles. involved.
Now, a review of studies has concluded that Botox has small but significant benefits, with few serious side effects.
Botox: Studies and Research
Researchers analyzed data from 17 studies, including 3,646 patients, who tested botulinum toxin injections against placebos. Over 86% of the patients were women and 43% had chronic migraines, with more than 15 days of headache a month.
Botox: Alternative treatment
The botulinum toxin used in cosmetic surgery for a quarter of a century is a substance that reduces muscle contraction (myo-relaxing action).
When people with migraines used Botox to treat their wrinkles, they told their doctor that their headaches were significantly improved. Doctors have therefore started to take an interest in treating migraine pain.
Treatment usually consists of 15 to 20 injections around the head and neck, given once every three or four months.
The pooled data showed that compared to a placebo, Botox injections resulted in an average of 1.6 fewer attacks per month for people with chronic illnesses - those with more than 15 headaches per month.
Botox and Migraine: Side effects
Botox had more side effects than a placebo, including a higher incidence of muscle weakness, double vision, droopy eyelids, neck pain and muscle tightness, although no serious side effects has been reported.
Contraindications: myasthenia gravis, breastfeeding, pregnancy
After the injection: it is recommended not to exercise within two or three hours.
The result is visible 2 to 15 days after the injection, depending on the product.
Frequency of injections:
- After the first injection: 3 months then every 3 months